Project Management
Level 3

Title of learning programme Project Management Programme
Programme level 3
Duration of learning programme 14 weeks x 10 hours
Total number of learning hours per programme 140 *

* Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Objectives of this Course - What is Project Management?


Project Identification


Project Planning


Project Implementation


Project Completion and Evaluation


Technical Skills

7 Leadership Skills
8 Interpersonal Skills

Learning Outcomes


Module 1 – What is Project Management?
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe what you understand by the terms ‘project’ and ‘management’.

LO2 Summarise the four phases of the project life cycle.

Module 2 – Project Identification.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe the two important conditions that must be considered by the project manager.


Discuss how you would assess projects feasibility, give the most popular methods and say how you would choose an appropriate project feasibility study method.


Explain the ‘identification test’.

Module 3 – Project Planning.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome

Describe the following:
Planning parameters
Planning quality
Developing a strategy framework


Explain the uses and key features of a PERT chart.


Module 4 – Project Implementation.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Evaluate how a project is prepared for implementation.


Analyse the following types of charts:
Preparation control chart
Events control chart
Budget control chart


Define ‘monitoring performance’ and identify the popular monitoring methods.


Module 5 – Project Completion and Evaluation.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe closing procedures a project manager should apply in a project.


Module 6 – Technical Skills.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Identify the two parties that need to be consulted when preparing a project proposal and give steps to be taken when considering their needs.


Analyse the following cost headings:
Human resources or skills
Administrative processes
Materials and supplies


Module 7 – Leadership Skills.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss the responsibility of a project leader and identify attributes of good leadership.


Summarise the following giving advantages and disadvantages:
Autocratic leadership
Participative leadership


Module 8 – Interpersonal Skills.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Define the techniques that characterise listening and communication giving steps to take to improve these techniques.


Describe the five different methods of handling conflict..


Summarise the three negotiating skills.

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