Accountable Social Work
Level 4

Title of learning programme Accountable Social Work Programme
Programme level 4
Duration of learning programme (e.g. 32 weeks x 3 hours) 20 weeks x 10 hours
Total number of learning hours per programme 200 *

* Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Assuring Quality


Creating and Sustaining Quality Social Work Environments


Working in Partnership with People


Protecting People


Supporting People


Working Across Disciplinary, Professional and Organisational Boundaries


Learning Outcomes

Module 1: Assuring Quality
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Describe the components of a quality service
LO2 Explain how a quality service can be assured
LO3 Identify the tensions involved in assuring quality
Module 2: Creating and Sustaining Quality Social Work Environments
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Describe the components of quality social work and social care environments
LO2 Explain how to create and sustain a quality social work and social care environment
LO3 Explore the tensions within and between quality social work and social care environments
Module 3: Working in Partnership With People
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Define the term ‘partnership’ as it is used in social work and social care
LO2 Outline the benefits of working in partnership
LO3 Explain why partnership is integral to good practice
LO4 Identify the main skills needed to work in partnership
LO5 Explain how partnership can address some of the criticisms made of social work methods
LO6 Identify some of the tensions and dilemmas posed by the partnership approach
LO7 Carry out an evaluation of partnership working
Module 4: Protecting People
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Describe the main features of protection and its place in contemporary social work
LO2 Analyse the ethical tensions involved in social work’s dual role of care and control
LO3 Demonstrate the role of social work in protecting people in the contexts of other professional roles and the wider expectations of society
LO4 Identify protection needs when working with children and young people and relate these to social work practice
LO5 Identify vulnerability in adults and design a practice framework for protection
LO6 Describe how social work can be protective in situations of domestic violence and apply your knowledge to practice
Module 5: Supporting People
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Identify what support means
LO2 Describe three sources of support – personal, community and institutional
LO3 Identify the factors which influence the sources of support people choose
LO4 Explain why some forms of support are stigmatised while others are not
LO5 Explain the social, psychological and practical implications of receiving institutional support
LO6 Explore the potential powerlessness of people receiving institutional support from social work
LO7   Describe how to provide social work support in partnership with service users so as to balance the power in the social work relationship
LO8   Describe three social work methods which can support people without disempowering them
Module 6: Working Across Disciplinary, Professional and Organisational Boundaries
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Identify what makes up an agency culture
LO2 Identify which aspects of an agency culture impede and which assist working across professional and organisational boundaries
LO3 Identify a variety of ways in which social workers and social carers already work across boundaries in their practice
LO4 Explain what is involved in working successfully across boundaries
LO5 Explore the tensions involved in working across boundaries and suggest how these can be minimised

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