Child Care
Level 3

Title of learning programme Child Care Programme
Programme level 3
Duration of learning programme 11 weeks x 10 hours
Total number of learning hours per programme 110*

* Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Introduction - The first Year


The Toddler


The Older Child


Accidents in the Home and First Aid


Common Ailments


Child Abuse and Bullying




Learning Outcomes


Module 1 – Introduction - The first Year.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Explain the bathing, weaning and sleeping routine of a young baby


Module 2 - The Toddler.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Introduce and explain toddlers tantrums and incorporate the various methods of play available to him


Module 3 - The Older Child.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe the mental and emotional development of the ‘older child’


Module 4 - Accidents in the Home and First Aid.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Identify ways of making your home safe for a child and list three techniques to help an injured child


Module 5 - Common Ailments.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome
LO1 Summarise the list of common ailments and show how constipation and conjunctivitis are prevented

Module 6 - Child Abuse and Bullying.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Judge the adverse affects bullying and abuse have on children

Module 7 - Regulations.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome

Discuss the various aspects of staff employment for a day care centre

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