Holistic Healing
Level 3

Title of learning programme Holistic Healing
Programme level 3
Duration of learning programme 11 weeks x 10 hours
Total number of learning hours per programme 110*

* Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Definition and history


Basic Anatomy and Physiology


Human Energy Field


Esoteric Physiology


Qualities of a Good Healer


Unruffling the field


How to take an Adult History

8 The Healing Act
9   Setting up a Therapy Practice
10   Colour Healing

Learning Outcomes


Module 1 - Definition and history.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Introduce the characteristics of healing summarising the importance of faith

LO2   Summarise the importance of faith in the healing process

Module 2 - Basic Anatomy and Physiology.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Identify the various systems of the body giving a brief summary of the lungs and heart

LO2   Define where the heart can be found in the body
LO3   Describe the lungs showing where they are located

Module 3 - Human Energy Field.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss the functions of the Chakra and Meridian Systems

LO2   Identify the name the Chinese give to vital energy
LO3   Define the number of meridians found in the body
LO4   Introduce and explain the characteristics of the auric body system
LO5   Describe the Astral body

Module 4 - Esoteric Physiology.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Analyse the Holistic approach to healing showing how it is performed

LO2   Summarise your understanding of ‘centering’
LO3   Describe the manner in which you would carry out this procedure

Module 5 - Qualities of a Good Healer.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Examine the qualities of a good healer

LO2   Identify how you would commence the healing act
LO3   Evaluate the significance of Auras to the healer
LO4   Define the implications of the following colours:
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Black/Grey
  • Indigo

Module 6 - Unruffling the field.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Examine the techniques of preparing and cleansing the Aura for healing

LO2   Identify how ‘unruffling’ should be carried out in the case of fluid retention
LO3   List five instances when this cleansing would be carried out by the healer

Module 7 - How to take an Adult History.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Analyse and discuss the procedure involved in taking an adult medical history

LO2   Summarise addiction showing what advice you would give to an addiction-prone client
LO3   Define your understanding of alcohol or drug addiction
LO4   Discuss the meaning of depression

Module 8 - The Healing Act.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Introduce and explain the ‘health of the healer’

LO2   Explain how nervous tissue degeneration is associated with drugs, tobacco and alcohol
LO3   Summarise the disadvantages of healing all day
Module 9 - Setting up a Therapy Practice.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Discuss the importance of ‘opportunity’ with regards to business
LO2   Summarise three steps to help in assessing a business opportunity
Module 10 - Colour Healing.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Examine the basic principles of colour therapy
LO2   Analyse what governs our responses to colour
LO3   Identify the attributes of the colours below:
  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Red

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