Sports Massage
Level 3

Title of learning programme Sports Massage Programme
Programme level 3
Duration of learning programme 14 weeks x 10 hours
Total number of learning hours per programme 140*

* Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Introduction – Basic Massage Techniques


Specific Movement for Massage


Contra-Indications to Massage


Sports Injury Massage


Massage of the Knee


Massage of the Leg


Massage of the Arm, Elbow and Wrist

8 Massage of the Neck and Shoulders

Massage of the Back and Buttock Area

10 Massage of the Chest and Abdomen

Learning Outcomes


Module 1 – Introduction - Basic Massage Techniques.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe Petrissage briefly.

LO2 Define your understanding of Tapotement including Hacking.

Summarise your interpretation of fibrositis.

LO4 Identify superficial kneading massage and explain why the body should be covered for a period after massage treatment.

Module 2 - Specific Movement for Massage.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss what Cross Fibre massage is mainly effective on.

LO2 Describe how you would interpret Compression massage.

Summarise muscle stripping and its benefits.

LO4 Analyse mechanical massage showing the important advantages.

Module 3 - Contra-Indications to Massage.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

List the contra-indications to sports massage.

LO2 Discuss six instances when you would refer an injury for medical opinion and explain why.

Summarise why is it important to warm up before exercise and outline two effects warm up has on the body.

LO4 Define the benefits of ice treatment.

Module 4 - Sports Injury Massage.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe the six rules for pre-sport massage.

LO2 Explain the benefits of post sport massage and give four of the rules.

Analyse what massage treatment you would use on a patient with Plantar Fasciitis.

LO4 Discuss what treatment would be beneficial to a sufferer of Tendonitis.

Module 5 - Massage of the Knee
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Define symptoms and treatment of the following conditions:

  • Medial Ligament Strain

  • Cartilage Problems

  • Patella Tendonitis

  • Iliotibial Tract Pain

LO2 Evaluate Osgood Schlatters condition in brief.

Module 6 - Massage of the Leg.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Analyse the procedure used when giving massage to the entire leg.

LO2 Identify the anterior and posterior muscles of the lower leg.

Summarise the hamstring muscles, where they are found, their functions and how you would treat them in case of an injury, with massage.


Module 7 - Massage of the Arm, Elbow and Wrist.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe the biceps muscle and show how they are inserted into the radius and ulna.

LO2 Summarise Carpal Tunnel Syndrome describing what it is and how it can be treated.

Judge how injuries can occur to the Triceps muscles giving recommended treatment.


Module 8 - Massage of the Neck and Shoulders.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss procedures you would follow before starting any work around the neck area.

LO2 Analyse the two main muscles of the neck.

Explain the function of the Scalenus Muscle and indicate where it is found.


Module 9 - Massage of the Back and Buttock Area.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Describe which other part of the body should be treated alongside lower back problems and give reasons.

LO2 List the five conditions to referral including instances other than muscular problems.

Analyse poor posture and give three treatments for deeper chronic injuries to a muscle.

LO4 Discuss Trigger Points.

Module 10 - Massage of the Chest and Abdomen.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss how the pectoral muscles are treated by the massage therapist.

LO2 Introduce the diaphragm and its importance in respiration.

Identify how you as a massage therapist would work on the diaphragm of a client.

LO4 Define how you would advertise your business.

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