Sports Nutrition
Level 3

Title of learning programme Sports Nutrition Programme
Programme level 3
Duration of learning programme 11 weeks x 10 hours*
Total number of learning hours per programme 110**

* Unlike traditional schools, colleges or universities, there are no terms, semesters, or specified intake dates for our uniquely flexible distance education courses. Our system of continuous enrolment means that our students can enrol on any day and at any time of the year. This allows our students the freedom to plan their studies to fit in with their lifestyle or work commitments.

** Please note that this is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and also how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each module there is a question paper which needs to be completed and returned to your personal tutor.


Module Module Title

Professionalism and the Nutrient Groups


Myths and Conceptions, The Consultation


Principles of Coaching in Sport


Planning the Diet




Weight Control in Sport

7   The Role of the Vegetarian/Vegan in Sports Nutrition
8   Misinformation
9   Performance Enhancers
10   ATP and Glycogen Replacement

Learning Outcomes


Module 1 – Professionalism and the Nutrient Groups.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Discuss the code of ethics that should be followed by therapists and introduce the different nutrient groups

LO2   List 6 nutrient groups
LO3   Summarise 5 food groups
LO4   Examine 2 sub-divisions of metabolism, explaining their purpose

Module 2 - Myths and Conceptions, The Consultation.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Examine the misconceptions about nutrition and summarise the various aspects involved in the consultation

LO2   Identify 2 reasons for obtaining a medical history
LO3   Summarise your understanding of Intensive and Extensive training
LO4   Introduce 3 factors that effect the writing of the training programme

Module 3 - Principles of Coaching in Sport.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Analyse the sports nutritionist and coaching science relationship

LO2   Define the reasoning behind ‘control tests’
LO3   Examine the principle functions of:
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Fats
LO4   Summarise 3 important functions of carbohydrates

Module 4 - Planning the Diet.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Introduce the basic principles in planning the Diet of clients

LO2   Summarise the meaning of ‘supplementation’
LO3   Identify 5 uses of minerals
LO4   Explain the effect on the body of vitamin deficiency

Module 5 - Water.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome
LO1 Discuss water, its functions, the affects it has on diet and its regulation
LO2   List 3 advantages of water in the body
LO3   Explain how water is significant to the diet
LO4   Summarise the 3 major origins of water

Module 6 - Weight Control in Sport.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:

  Learning Outcome

Examine the role weight control plays in the sporting industry

Module 7 - The Role of the Vegetarian/Vegan in Sports Nutrition.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Evaluate what constitutes a vegetarian/vegan diet in sports nutrition
LO2   Discuss how a Vegetarian/Vegan diet is advantageous to a sportsperson
LO3   Introduce a one day eating plan for the client
Module 8 - Misinformation.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Introduce the various myths relating to sports nutrition
LO2   Examine how health and performance are affected by the intake of water
LO3   Summarise how exercise aids in weight reduction
Module 9 - Performance Enhancers.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Analyse the nutritional supplements available to athletes
Module 10 - ATP and Glycogen Replacement.
On successful completion of this module the candidate will be able to:
  Learning Outcome
LO1 Discuss affects of Glycogen on muscles, rebuilding ATP and the advantages of fatty acids on the body
LO2   Evaluate 3 biochemic energy sources for the rebuilding of ATP
LO3   Examine how the body benefits from the intake of essential fatty acids

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